First Project Meeting
Iași, Romania, 13-14 December 2018
This opportunity was used to launch the project, to agree the details of the project activities and of the workplan, to reflect upon project priorities and of the funding programme. This TPM was organized by the project leader, Complexul Muzeal NaÈ›ional ”Moldova” IaÈ™i.

Training Course
Lanciano, Italy, 25-29 March 2019
​"Art-Artisans-Culture-Applied Methods of Cultural Communication - International Open Museum"
This training course was the opportunity for the participants to learn about communication techniques, blogging, storytelling, intercultural communication, audience perspective etc. This training activity was organized by CPA di Giuseppina Bomba, experience training provider, skilled in desigining work-based activities.

Second Project Meeting
Berlin, Germany, 8-9 April 2019
This was an opportunity to explore the options the city of Berlin has to offer in terms of cultural mediation. This TPM was organized by the German partner, Grone - Berlin, a training organization with a remarkable history, founded already in 1895.

Training Course
Berlin, Germany, 3-7 June 2019
​“Museum Mediator - focused
knowledge for the planning and implementation of events and advertising
This training activity, designed by Grone particularly for museum and cultural specialists, provided participants with an introduction into the universe of advertising and explored its benefits for the cultural world in terms of mediation of culture so that it can be understood by the common people.

Third Project Meeting
Athens, Greece, 1-2 July 2019
This meeting was organized by EKEDISY through the School Life and Education Museum in Athens, who designed for the participants a ludic reenactment of the way school lessons would once take place.

Fourth Project Meeting
Madrid, Spain, 7-8 October 2019
At the ‘El Patio, Hall of Artists’, the Espacio Rojo Office, the organizers shared their own mediation experience with the participants, and explained how they created a collaborative and participative mural in the neighborhood.

Local courses in Iași, Athens, Lanciano and Madrid, 18-22 November 2019
During one week, around 20 young participants were locally trained in the field of museum mediation, the trainers being the specialists previously trained in the international courses. The curriculum was provided by the international trainers, who also provided online guidance to the participants

Fifth Project Meeting
Lanciano, Italy, 9-10 January 2020
The last transnational project meeting was organized in Lanciano, by I Cinque Sensi Associazione Culturale, and was the occasion to discover more of the history of this Italian region through story telling and interactive experiences.
SSaNeProMM will provide museum staff and trainees in the process of shaping their vocational educational background with the tools necessary to achieve intercultural behavior and communication. The project will thus contribute to preparing today's museum mediators, anchored in the reality of the society, able to adapt to the multiple challenges that can be brought by the museum visitors, irrespective of their national origin, sex, profession, religion etc.
Trainers and trainees will have the opportunity of reflecting on the importance of the own culture in a globalizing world, of communicating it correctly, understanding and respecting the expectation of the other. Culture is an identity mark but it has the power to connect people, to bring people together, to share information and knowledge, and attenuate cultural and societal divide. It attempts to raise awareness among museum professionals as for the significance of reflecting our own cultural identities and act as a catalyst, as a vehicle for mutual understanding, mediating the museum to the eyes and mind of the visitors.
In this framework, the project will provide vocational training for prospective future museum specialists - the museum mediators - and for the museum staff, in order to exchange knowledge, experiences, to learn how to adapt to the others' expectations.